Links for June 13, 2020
Posted on Saturday, Jun 13, 2020 12:40 AM
- ↪︎ Opinion | Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police - The New York Times
#BlackLivesMatter #PoliceAbolition #RacialEducation
Opinion | Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police - The New York Times - ↪︎ Camila's Abolition Reading List
#CrimeAndJustice #PoliceReform #PrisonReform #BlackLivesMatter #RacialEducation
Camila's Abolition Reading List - ↪︎ Prison Abolition Syllabus
#BlackLivesMatter #CrimeAndJustice #PrisonReform
Prison Abolition Syllabus - ↪︎ INSTEAD OF PRISONS: A HANDBOOK FOR ABOLITIONISTS Instead of Prisons: A Handbook for Abolitionists
#PoliceReform #BlackLivesMatter #RacialEducation
INSTEAD OF PRISONS: A HANDBOOK FOR ABOLITIONISTS Instead of Prisons: A Handbook for Abolitionists - ↪︎ Prison Abolition and Alternatives to Incarceration Starter Resources
#PoliceReform #CrimeAndJustice #RacialEducation #BlackLivesMatter #PrisonReform
Prison Abolition and Alternatives to Incarceration Starter Resources - ↪︎ Police Abolition Study
#PoliceReform #RacialEducation #BlackLivesMatter
Police Abolition Study - ↪︎ Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis
#RacialEducation #CrimeAndJustice #PoliceReform
Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis - ↪︎ Master List of Black Revolutionary Readings
#RacialEducation #BlackLivesMatter
Master List of Black Revolutionary Readings - ↪︎ The New Jim Crow - Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
Take Action - The New Jim Crow - ↪︎ What a World Without Cops Would Look Like – Mother Jones
#PoliceReform #CrimeAndJustice
What a World Without Cops Would Look Like – Mother Jones