Links for March 6, 2021
Posted on Saturday, Mar 6, 2021 5:46 PM
- ↪︎ I learned to program on a ZX81. It was exciting, fun and sometimes frustrating (that keyboard!)
The 40-Year-Old Version: ZX81's sleek plastic case shows no sign of middle-aged spread • The Register - ↪︎ Reverse-engineering Rosetta 2 part1: Analyzing AOT files and Rosetta 2 runtime
- ↪︎ Wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka
Keep out Inky and Blinky - ↪︎ Be careful with Obj-C bridging in Swift
- ↪︎ I’m not sure if I’m more impresssed by the buildings or the base it’s on!
A little light amidst a lot of dark - ↪︎ I love WandaVision, and these are spot-on gorgeous.
Period-Specific Cartoon Homages to Wandavision - ↪︎ Quick tips on embracing @ViewBuilder