Links for March 8, 2021
Posted on Monday, Mar 8, 2021 5:49 AM
- ↪︎ Punta Majahua / Zozaya Arquitectos
- ↪︎ Cave. Houses.
Architecture of the Underground: 6 Modern Cave Dwellings Inspired by Ancient History Journal - ↪︎ Native Mac APIs for Go
Michael Tsai - Blog - Native Mac APIs for Go - ↪︎ Beautiful pottery, and functional. There’s so much talent and expertise on display is this video.
Watch a Korean Master Craftsman Make a Kimchi Pot by Hand, All According to Ancient Tradition - ↪︎ Such an iconic performance. Really neat to hear his thoughts.
Jimi Hendrix Revisits His Searing Performance of “The Star-Spangled Banner”: The Dick Cavett Show (September 9, 1969) - ↪︎ Wow this is amazing. I have to admit though, I didn’t click the link because if I had you might never hear from me again.
Fonts in Use: Enter a Giant Archive of Typography, Featuring 12,618 Typefaces | Open Culture - ↪︎ If the world adopted a plant-based diet we would reduce global agricultural land use from 4 to 1 billion hectares
- ↪︎ Will we ever be able to recycle all our plastic?
- ↪︎ The Famed Painting The Scream Holds a Hidden Message
- ↪︎ 100 Women to Watch in Architecture
- ↪︎ This looks fun. I’ve been wanting to build some sort of dashboard with an e-ink display
Wireless, Low Power E-Ink Weather Gadget