Links for August 21, 2021Posted on Saturday, Aug 21, 2021 3:41 PM↪︎ AsyncSequence and effectful read-only properties combine to make something beautiful.My favorite new Swift API from iOS 15 ↪︎ How vaccines can make a difference with the Delta variant ↪︎ Handling links with SwiftUI's openURL ↪︎ Tomonoki-Himawari KindergartenTagsSwiftProgrammingCOVID19VaccineSwiftProgrammingSchoolJapanArchitectureRelated Links2025-01A Swift Concurrency Glossary2024-12What Did Ada Lovelace's Program Actually Do?2024-11Understanding actors in Swift2024-10Introducing Swift Testing. Basics.2024-10Getting started with async/await in Swift