Links for October 21, 2021
Posted on Thursday, Oct 21, 2021 12:30 AM
- ↪︎ New brain maps could help the search for Alzheimer's treatments
- ↪︎ ASU's Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson is announced as President Biden's selection for NEA chair
- ↪︎ OOOH A literal Regex in Swift would be great.
Michael Tsai - Blog - Swift Declarative String Processing Pitch - ↪︎ Reminds me of a city made in Townscaper
Majestic LEGO castle a true king needs and deserves - The Brothers Brick | The Brothers Brick - ↪︎ The Largely Untold Story Of How One Guy In California Keeps The World’s Computers On The Right Timezone
- ↪︎ Impressionist painting in Britain: 9 Edward Stott
- ↪︎ Painting the surreal before Surrealism 2
- ↪︎ How to recover a Mac from a kernel panic