Links for July 17, 2022
Posted on Sunday, Jul 17, 2022 11:31 PM
- ↪︎ I'm ready. Bring it.
New COVID Vaccines Will be Ready This Fall. America Won’t. - The Atlantic - ↪︎ How to add swipe actions to Collection View
- ↪︎ How to create a list with Compositional Layout
- ↪︎ Cool book of old school car renderings
- ↪︎ Impressionist painting in Britain: 4 Philip Wilson Steer
- ↪︎ Impressionist painting in Britain: 3 The New English Art Club
- ↪︎ If you want to try out the beta of macOS Ventura, but don't have a spare disk, use the free UTM to create a virtual machine.
Install macOS Ventura Beta in a Virtual Machine on an M1 or M2 Mac with UTM - The Mac Security Blog - ↪︎ The Facade Design Pattern In Swift
- ↪︎ Background tasks in SwiftUI
- ↪︎ How Frank Lloyd Wright’s Son Invented Lincoln Logs, “America’s National Toy” (1916)
- ↪︎ How Pixar’s Movement Animation Became So Realistic: The Technological Breakthroughs Behind the Animation
- ↪︎ SNES Manual Archive
- ↪︎ A Dive into Ray Tracing Performance on the Apple M1
- ↪︎ The Evolution of Smalltalk from Smalltalk-72 through Squeak
- ↪︎ “Columbo” shows the benefits of asking just one more thing