Links for February 23, 2023Posted on Thursday, Feb 23, 2023 4:06 AM↪︎ Using ToggleStyle to Build Custom Toggles in SwiftUI ↪︎ Mastodon and Open Graph ↪︎ Learn how to use DateFormatter to parse, format, and extract components from Dates.Swift DateFormatter Cheatsheet [+Formulas, Parsing] ↪︎ UIHostingConfiguration can cause UICollectionViewRecursionTagsSwiftSwiftUIProgrammingiOSmacOSProgrammingHTMLSemanticWebSwiftProgrammingmacOSiOSUIKitAppKitSwiftSwiftUIProgrammingiOSmacOSUIKitRelated Links2024-11Understanding actors in Swift2024-10Introducing Swift Testing. Basics.2024-10A brief history of the Chooser and printer support2024-10Getting started with async/await in Swift2024-10Introducing Oblivious HTTP support in Swift