Links for October 11, 2023
Posted on Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023 10:44 PM
- ↪︎ Unit testing async/await logic can be done by marking your unit test as asynchronous and using a new XCTest method.
Unit testing async/await Swift code - ↪︎ The fifth iteration of the SwiftUI framework brings a lot of new APIs related to ScrollView, making it much more powerful than before. This week will begin the series of posts about new abilities of the ScrollView in SwiftUI, and we will start with scroll transitions.
Mastering ScrollView in SwiftUI. Transitions - ↪︎ Integrating a Macintosh SE, and an ImageWriter II dot matrix printer into a modern network: browsing the web, printing with AirPrint, and sharing files
Browsing like it's 1994 - ↪︎ Now that you should understand how to work with a PhotosPicker, let’s see how to embed it in our demo app. What we are going to do is to replace the “Select a
Creating an Inline Photo Pickers in iOS Apps with SwiftUI