Links for September 5, 2024Posted on Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 1:56 AM↪︎ At WWDC24, Apple introduced Swift Testing, which is a new way to write tests in Swift, practically replacing XCTest for unit tests. And it’s great. There are two sessions that give a great introduction to the new framework, and I recommend checking them out: Meet Swift Testing Go further with Swift TestingTesting Swift TestingTagsSwiftProgrammingTestingmacOSiOSvisionOSwatchOStvOSRelated Links2024-10Getting started with async/await in Swift2024-10Introducing Oblivious HTTP support in Swift2024-10karanpratapsingh/system-design: Learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews2024-10Four Languages From Forty Years Ago2024-10Revisiting the DOS memory models