Tagged with BillGates
- 19. Links for July 19, 2022
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- industrialLightAndMagic
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- Almonds
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- California
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- Architecture
- StupidIdeas
- NetZero
- ResidentialArchitecture
- BillGates
- AntoniGaudi
- Barcelona
- Spain
- Architecture
- Anniversary
Links for July 19, 2022
- 19. Vantem is Building Cost-Effective Net Zero Housing
Vantem is Building Cost-Effective Net Zero Housing
Related Links
- 2022-07Vantem is Building Cost-Effective Net Zero Housing
- 2020-08Bill Gates warns climate change could be worse than the coronavirus - CNET
- 2016-12Bill Gates: The 5 must-reads this year - USA TODAY
- 2016-11Bill Gates: He eats Big Macs for lunch and schedules every minute of his day - meet the man worth $80 billion
- 2015-10Bill Gates’ letter to employees on Microsoft’s 40th anniversary
- 2015-10http://www.loopinsight.com/redirect?s=/feed/&u=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5sb29waW5zaWdodC5jb20vMjAxNS8wNC8wNi9iaWxsLWdhdGVzLWxldHRlci10by1lbXBsb3llZXMtb24tbWljcm9zb2Z0cy00MHRoLWFubml2ZXJzYXJ5Lw==
- 2012-09Bill Gates: 'I wrote Steve Jobs a letter as he was dying. He kept it by his bed’ - Telegraph