Tagged with Perl09. Magpie and Feed Encoding (or "Why are there question marks everywhere?")MagpieRSSTipsAndTricksProframmingPerl28. Installing Perl 5.8 on JaguarPerlmacOSMacOSJaguar26. News feedsPerlRSSXML14. Reading XML newsXMLRSSSoftwarePerlRelated Links2020-10Virgin Hyperloop to Build New Testing Center on 800-Acre Site in West Virginia2017-12Perl, the first postmodern computer language2015-09Interview: Larry Wall | Linux Voice2012-09Platypus | Sveinbjorn Thordarson2009-02Perl RSS Torrent Fetching Script2006-07rsyncBackup2006-06Sveinbjorn Thordarson's Website - Platypus2006-01RasterWeb! » Exchange to iCal/Sunbird via Perl2005-12perl.com: Parsing iCal Data