Tagged with Science
- 02. Links for January 2, 2023
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Links for January 2, 2023
- 02. 90 different elements form the building blocks for everything on Earth. Some are being used up, and soon could be endangered.
The Periodic Table of Endangered Elements
- 19. Scale of atoms
Scale of atoms
- 19. Links for May 19, 2022
Links for May 19, 2022
- 24. Links for June 24, 2021
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Links for June 24, 2021
- 24. Behold the Astronomicum Caesareum, "Perhaps the Most Beautiful Scientific Book Ever Printed” (1540)
Behold the Astronomicum Caesareum, "Perhaps the Most Beautiful Scientific Book Ever Printed” (1540) | Open Culture
- 30. Links for March 30, 2021
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Links for March 30, 2021
- 30. A group of scientists from Boulder, Colo., compared three different atomic clocks. It's a step toward redefining the length of a second.
Scientists Get Closer To Redefining The Length Of A Second
- 22. Links for December 22, 2020
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Links for December 22, 2020
- 22. The bar is so low now, doubling down should be easy
The Biden Administration Must Double Down on Science
- 21. New Life
- 08. Planet in Twin Star System
- 02. Super Size my Telescope
- 07. Liquid Light
- 02. The Physics of Time Travel
- 01. Amazing photos
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