Tagged with SQL
- 21. Links for October 21, 2023
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- ResidentialArchitecture
- Architecture
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- SwiftData
Links for October 21, 2023
- 21. Don't use DISTINCT as a "join-fixer" - Simple Talk
Don't use DISTINCT as a "join-fixer" - Simple Talk
- 03. Links for August 3, 2023
Links for August 3, 2023
- 03. Three ways to create a pivot table in plain SQL.
Building a pivot table in SQLite
- 04. SQL Random Rows
Related Links
- 2024-10Four Languages From Forty Years Ago
- 2023-10Don't use DISTINCT as a "join-fixer" - Simple Talk
- 2023-08Building a pivot table in SQLite
- 2020-05SQLite Forum: SQLite turns 20
- 2017-03The JSON1 Extension
- 2016-06SQLite: The art of keep it simple. | CoderGears Blog
- 2016-04Size isn't everything for the modest creator of SQLite | Technology | The Guardian
- 2016-04http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2007/jun/21/it.guardianweeklytechnologysection
- 2015-11The SQLite Query Optimizer Overview
- 2015-09Appropriate Uses For SQLite
- 2014-12Internal Versus External BLOBs
- 2012-10MySQL Ruby tutorial
- 2011-04The Apache Cassandra Project
- 2009-03FMDB for iPhone
- 2009-02Araelium Group : Querious - MySQL Database Tool
- 2009-02Sequel Pro — MySQL database management app for Mac OS X
- 2009-02Persisting Dates to SQLite3 in an iPhone Application - Stack Overflow
- 2009-02Using Spawner To Populate SQL Database | LinuxHaxor.net
- 2007-10Coding Horror: A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins
- 2007-04living-e AG: MAMP - Mac - Apache - MySQL - PHP
- 2007-03Instant SQL Formatter
- 2006-07SourceForge.net: ADO.NET Data Provider for SQLite
- 2006-07SqlDump - MS SQL database backup program
- 2006-05dublish.com - Simple Optimization for PHP and MySQL
- 2006-02MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: A.2.3 Client does not support authentication protocol
- 2006-01SQL Injection Avoidance
- 2005-07Mozilla2:Unified Storage - wiki.mozilla.org
- 2005-07SQL Injection Attacks by Example